
An Australian-based booking management system assists users in exploring distinctive and thrilling experiences, fostering meaningful connections. Tailored to make any special occasion truly exceptional, these experiences are thoughtfully crafted to enhance connections with others.

Our Kritiks undertook a comprehensive examination of the system and formulated a Test Strategy to ensure the delivery of the client’s desired outcomes.


A testing strategy comprises a set of directives outlining the test design and detailing the approach to testing. It is crucial for the client to possess a comprehensive test strategy to encompass all functionalities of their booking management system, spanning functional, GUI, integration, cross-browser, smoke testing, and regression testing.


In a sequential order, the Kritiks initiated the testing process by first compiling and analyzing the test documentation. Subsequently, they proceeded to formulate the test strategy.

    1. The initial step involves selecting a test level, where the Kritiks consult the client to determine their preferences, whether it involves functional, GUI, or acceptance testing.
    2. The next phase entails outlining the test scope, with a meticulous approach by the Kritiks to prevent redundancy. Additionally, they explicitly state anything excluded from the scope.
    3. The subsequent consideration is the Test Environment, wherein the Kritiks specify the location for testing—whether it should occur in the development, test, staging, or production environment. Furthermore, they emphasize Cross-Browser Testing, ensuring the functionality is verified across different browsers to guarantee compatibility and support for various web browsers, the Kritiks performed testing on Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox as well as iPhone 14 Pro (iOS) and Samsung S9+ (Android)
    4. All testing focused on functionality, smoke, and regression testing. The Kritiks checked the website functionality of the system, registration platform login, creating experiences, creating gift cards, and payment integration testing such as Stripe.
    5. In the subsequent step, the Kritiks prioritize regression testing. This involves assessing the impact of newly introduced codes when testing new features, as there is a potential for negative effects on the system’s overall functionality.
    6. Defining release control emerges as the next vital step. The Kritiks need to determine whether the release will follow iterations or adhere to a CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment) approach. This information is imperative for the entire team to be cognizant of, as it can significantly impact the timing of the release.


    1. With the help of the test documents, Kritiks were able to to create at least 400 test cases dedicated to the booking management system.
    2. With the created test cases for the system, the kritiks were able to create automated scripts to perform the basic functionalities of the system and still continuous to maintain the test scripts.